Friday, October 16, 2009

Virgina Tech massacre 2007

This week during class we touched on the coverage of 9/11 terrorist attacks. When contemplating how that day was covered through the media, and how it impacted the rest of the United States, it made me think about the Virginia Tech Massacre. The coverage of the Virginia Tech Massacre also impacted the lives of not only the Hokies and their families, but also the rest of America. The way that the story was covered through the mass media made the public shiver. The Virginia Tech Massacre was the largest single gunman shooting in the history of the United States, killing a total of thirty two people and injuring many more. My sister just graduated this past summer from Virginia Tech. I can remember vividly when I heard of the incident how it made me be so grateful that she was ok. Nevertheless, it was shocking that such an incident happened at a place and during a time when students feel the safest, in school and on campus. By having the incident covered by so many media outlets, parents, teachers, and students from other college were able to create a sense of support systems to let Virginia Tech know that people cared. Much like the September 11 incident, I feel that without that the Virginia Tech incident provoked a certain sense of unity because of the mass media coverage. The mass media is what connects the rest of the world with each other, and creates a way of achieving support systems through the hardest times and tragedies.

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