Friday, October 2, 2009

1930s Futuristic Fashion Predictions.

I've attached a video that i stumbled upon after reading this weeks topic of "Popular Culture and High Culture" and after disagreeing many times the previous week with Song; i came to understand that i really wasn't disagreeing, i was rather speaking my opinion; however, this video whether real or not, i feel speaks a very real truth. In this video we see that as early as the 1930s they gather designers opinions on what they believe fashion will be like in 2000. My first questions is, how did they go about chosing designers to predict such ambigous field such as fashion? If they are the ones considered to be High Culture, when did we go about allowing there to be such thing as high culture. In a way it supports the idea of the history of the High culture being the ruling class and how the standard of "good taste" has been established for many years now. I understand that the matter of money and education falls into place but i just feel that society shouldn't be so shallow and allow for these people to be put in a pedestal.

I guess in a way this the reason why when an item hits the market and no one really has it yet, it makes the viewer believe that because it doesn't fall under a norm then it must be obtain. Would one say that this is the same concept for the reason of having a one of a kind piece, that is of course until it becomes mainstream. One would ask, are these clothes shown in the video consider vintage and therefore worth so much more, when today there are many stores that sell transparent knit? Although, many of what is mentioned in this video is today's fashion, making those predicitions right, this was very far fetched back then and designers today don't seem to be going as far into the future as they did then. Could it be because all that was great to create has already been created. Why in some fields has it been so hard to outstand history, such as Mozart, Picasso or Coco Chanel. Could it be that because there was less variety back then, there was more space to creation unlike there is today?

In a sense, isn't that what fashion and everything else in life is all about? Being one step ahead of the game? Even if it requires someone to tell it to us. But then yes, that is what this life is all about! someone who has experienced something extraordinary and having the priveledge to pass it on to us. Not everyone is born with artistry and we should be thankful for art, including fashion. Although it may sound contradicting, i am all for education and listening to people who know more than me, but i feel that i should put this education to good use and make decisions for myself. Even though someone up there tells me that "this is good, this is fashion and is worth it," it should not be enough reason for me to follow the pack. Because there is such a thing as personal judgement and everyone should have some. Could one compare this to the discourse about democracy vs. autocracy or being a burgess. In the end it's just a matter of being an elitist and i wonder if this issues even concern elitists. A lot of people are elitist, one would say, good for them. At the end of the day, you have a choice on which side you want to sit.

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