Thursday, October 1, 2009

30 Rock: 1, Verizon: 0

I want to take on a different perspective in viewing that 30 Rock clip that served as product placement for Verizon. These past few classes, quite understandably, we have analyzed these commercials in the eyes of the audience. Now I would like to take on the stance of... Verizon.
This is just my personal opinion, but if I saw that snippet, I would be upset. Though it starts off promoting the brand as reliable and "unbeatable," the way it is concluded cancels out everything that was previously said.
"Can we have our money now?" gives the impression that these actors really are just, actors. They are playing a role given to them, and saying lines that are fed to them. Pay attention to all the hints: Alec Baldwin's abrupt digress, the camera slowly zooming into Tina Fey's face to mock a commercial, the unnatural and automated way in which she says the line as if she's reading it straight off a screen, the constant repetition of the Verizon name... it's all fake. And the viewers know it's fake. That's what makes 30 Rock such a good show -- we're all in on the joke. And in this case, Verizon's the joke.
Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey don't really think that Verizon is all that awesome. As Tina Fey just said, they just want their money. It's false advertising. Rather than the said "popularity" and "reliability" sticking in the viewers' minds, all they can think about now, with Tina's last word, is that Verizon is a greedy manipulative little bastard.
I'm sure that Verizon signed the deal with 30 Rock, all the former knew was that the series was going to name drop them in a positive light. Now Verizon was not sure how 30 Rock was going to go about this. Verizon thinks they have made a smart move, tapping into the popular culture to promote their services. They think they're being sneaky and manipulative, getting away with the dirty deed.
But they didn't "get away with it." It's 30 Rock, for goodness' sake. They're known for their clever, witty punchlines and shameless in-your-face humor. Score points for 30 Rock: Tina Fey just gave away the secret that Verizon PAID them to say these things, and we're thankful that they told us so.
Not only do we now think that Verizon is greedy and manipulative; to top it all off, we now think they're idiots. Because the ad is not subtle, at all. As for 30 Rock, they just gained our trust by disclosing hidden agenda.
So if I were in Verizon's shoes, I'd be outraged. Now the viewers think that we're so damn rich, we're willing to pay this show tons of money just to talk about us, in our desperation.
I don't know if other people share in my insight, but I was already frustrated with Verizon's services to begin with. So really, I don't blame Tina Fey's approach for product placement. If Verizon asked me to advertise them in my show, I too would find ways to demean them without their knowing.

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