Friday, November 20, 2009

In class this week, Chelsea bought up an interesting view as we discussed the gay man and how they are portrayed in today’s media. What was proposed was that gay men are often displayed as spectacles or only as the female’s sidekick.

While I do believe that this is true; I feel that the gay community is often reduced to limited roles because of the apprehension that our society holds against homosexuality. And while this is no excuse, it is the same with most "ethnic" cultures and identities that do not fit into the “white norm.” Asians, Latinos, and Native Americans are often left out of media and similarly when they are represented; it is within very restricted roles.

What I can say about this is that perhaps with time and acceptance; the gay community will be represented in different lights in media as other "different" demographics have done as well. The black community had been held in very strict roles throughout history and has only recently been able to explore outside roles that are not held to specific stereotypes. Yes, it has taken a long time to get to this point, but that is expected. Blacks were often limited in media because of the unknown. Since not much is known about blacks, they are limited. I believe that all different demographics will one day find their place within media, but it takes time for our society to accept what is not held as the standard. I'm not saying that this is wrong, but sadly it's the way things are.

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