This created the idea that scientific power = world power. That is why although the United States does not make anything we still hold the most patents out of all the countries giving us the Biopower. Our 'big pharma' has the power and funding to develop vaccines that cure the world of their ailments. We can go into countries who cannot provide their own people with vaccines and cure them of their sickness, giving us an almost 'god-like' status in that we can control life and cure people. The idea of the 'miracle' that doctors perform everyday is revered in culture as seen through the countless shows, such as ER, Grey's Anatomy, House, and Nip/Tuck. The obsession/awe with technology and the body lends itself to be the perfect media spectacle because it is so far removed from most people's intellectual capacity that is shows our ultimate dependence on the government and big business to provide us with this technology.
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