I found this ad yesterday and it made me think of Rande’s choices of ads to blog about masculinity for his final presentation. For me, I can see this as both the male and female “Got Milk?” ads in one, focusing on the macho, manliness of men and the passivity of women. It also could touch on the subject of sexual ambiguity that Briana discussed.
I do feel that Dockers did a great job trying to reach out to their target audience, middle class/blue collar working men. If you think about it, shows like Dirty Jobs, and this ad are probably successful due to this call to manhood. These hard working guys want to be manly again and be head of the house.
I myself don’t really like this advertisement because I’m an independent woman who can hold a door for myself and respect a man who wants a non-fat latte because if that’s what he likes then let him drink what he wants. The “little old ladies” part is kind of sweet, but at the same time, this advertisement has made it seem that the world has completely stopped moving since men have turned into these disco sissies. I read this ad as saying, “Have no fear women, the REAL men are returning to save you from these girly men who cannot take care of you the right way!” (Shout out to the anti-ads final presentation group!)
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