This week I want to direct everyone's attention to an incredible art project, a
wall-painted animation. On Wednesday, we were discussing whether or not there
is any room for creativity left. In other words, we were trying to explain as to why
contemporary artists refer back to old styles of art, if you will, and try to create
something new. I do agree that the past remains in the present and it is almost
impossible to avoid. I also agree - to some extent - with Roland Barthes, who
stated unprecedentedly that "the author is dead." Meaning that whatever an artist
creates, will always depend on the existing structures. We are ultimately trapped
within these structures. But I would like to believe that new structures can be created.
Symbolic representations are also challenged in some media texts. For example,
for years, whiteness was seen as positive. "Good" characters were always light
and bright, whereas the "bad guys" were always represented as dark characters.
But films like the Matrix challenge this symbolic representation. The "good" guys
like Neo or Trinity always wear black clothing and accessories. Yet, they are the
positive characters and the heroes of the film. Conversely, the twins appearing in
the second film, are presented as negative characters, the antagonists. Yet, they
are entirely white. Even their hair is white, not to mention the clothing and the
skin color.
Our expectations are constantly challenged when we hear about new
technological inventions. Just when we think that there can be nothing beyond
what is already there, something new comes up and blows our minds. I believe
that the video presented above, serves as a good example of art that challenges
our expectations and blows our minds.
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