So does the real meaning of homosexuality go over some peoples head; why do some people think gays are so funny, specially in television. Is the life of the gays on t.v. exploited as a commodity for the entretainement of the audience by producers. I wonder if the situation where a straight person tells a gay person they are so funny, if they realize that they are funny because they are so gay. Why is gay so entretaining!? The reason i believe is mostly because they are typecast as the the "other" i really don't see other explanation for it, but I believe gays for entretainment will stop the day where no one can tell if a person is gay unless a physical clue is gven away.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Gays for Entretainment
So does the real meaning of homosexuality go over some peoples head; why do some people think gays are so funny, specially in television. Is the life of the gays on t.v. exploited as a commodity for the entretainement of the audience by producers. I wonder if the situation where a straight person tells a gay person they are so funny, if they realize that they are funny because they are so gay. Why is gay so entretaining!? The reason i believe is mostly because they are typecast as the the "other" i really don't see other explanation for it, but I believe gays for entretainment will stop the day where no one can tell if a person is gay unless a physical clue is gven away.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The 'Gay Network' - Good or Bad?
After our discussions in class about homosexuality in media, especially television, one station came straight to mind - Bravo. Ever since it's creation, Bravo has had a secret gay undertone, where majority of the characters are homosexuals, and everyone on the show is gay friendly. Though I love Bravo and most of the shows on it, there is a good and a bad side that comes with it. The good side is that gays aren't just in the background on these shows; most of the men are openly gay and do not have a problem in expressing it. Often, gays and lesbians are in positions of power on the show, whether they are successful in real estate (Jeff Lewis from 'Flipping Out'), owner's of successful businesses (Jackie from 'Workout'), or becoming new and upcoming fashion designers (Project Runway, now on Lifetime - ugh). I'm glad that Bravo has decided to show homosexuals in a favorable light and doing positive things. However, there comes a problem with all of this - is Bravo too gay? Most of the gay men and women on Bravo are portrayed as the stereotypical feminine gay or masculine lesbian. Even my roommates who enjoy Bravo time to time know that Bravo is the 'gay network.' The problem with this label is that if something, especially a cable television station, is labeled as something gay, that leads anyone who is subjected to those shows to think that gays and lesbians are only good at gay and lesbian activities, such as men designing a dress and women working out to the point where they have bodies comparable to some men. For closed minded individuals, this portrayal of homosexuals can be dangerous. Like we discussed in class, there is a world of gay people that do not fit the gay stereotype, which is something that is not seen on Bravo. So is the station good or bad? As someone who enjoys turning on Bravo on those lazy, rainy Sunday afternoons, I can't turn my back on it. But, the question is something to think about

Recently I came across an article that perfectly reinforced our discussion of the internet as the perfect panopticon. Kurt Greenbaum, the Director of Social Media for the St. Loius Dispatch, made headlines all over the web a couple of days ago by posting a seemingly harmless blog asking the audience, What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten? And did you like it? If this "Director of Social Media" knew anything about the internet, he would understand that he was opening himself up to all kinds of vulgar jokes concerning male and female genitalia. When he finally got the inevitable response, his Victorian sensibilities were so offended he took it upon himself to break his own website's explicit terms of service and track the IP address of the commenter down to a local school. He then alerted the school that someone was leaving "inappropriate" comments from their computers, and a man in the IT department lost his job.
This ridiculously immature story would be tragic for free speech if weren't for the dual nature of the gaze online. On the one hand, there was Greenbaum, monitoring his websites comments and punishing those who violated his sensibilities. On the other hand, there was the mass majority of the internet watching Greenbaum, and their anger with his censorship has lead to a public outcry for him to lose his job as well. Based on prior similar cases, it is very likely they will get their wish.
The Daily Show
Omar Little: Tough, Masculine, and Gay

I don't know how many of you watch The Wire (if you don't, you should), but if you do, you're familiar with the character of Omar Little. Omar is a tough dude. He robs drug dealers, is a key informant for the Baltimore police, and is just generally pretty badass. He's also gay.

While I do believe that this is true; I feel that the gay community is often reduced to limited roles because of the apprehension that our society holds against homosexuality. And while this is no excuse, it is the same with most "ethnic" cultures and identities that do not fit into the “white norm.” Asians, Latinos, and Native Americans are often left out of media and similarly when they are represented; it is within very restricted roles.
What I can say about this is that perhaps with time and acceptance; the gay community will be represented in different lights in media as other "different" demographics have done as well. The black community had been held in very strict roles throughout history and has only recently been able to explore outside roles that are not held to specific stereotypes. Yes, it has taken a long time to get to this point, but that is expected. Blacks were often limited in media because of the unknown. Since not much is known about blacks, they are limited. I believe that all different demographics will one day find their place within media, but it takes time for our society to accept what is not held as the standard. I'm not saying that this is wrong, but sadly it's the way things are.
The Feminine Role in High Fashion
In class when we were discussing why it seems that female viewers are able to view the female body as arousing without hinging on any lesbian notions, while if a man were to look at an ad with two naked men, he'll be considered to have gay feelings towards men. In high fashion this is especially evident. The above picture's purpose was to sell the Aurelio Costarella's leather jacket, but the model is placed in such an environment where the leather jacket seems obscured. In fact the entire picture is obscure, suggesting that in high fashion there is a hyper fantasical world we all hope to reach. One because the clothes are so expensive that any normal person can only dream to wear; secondly, there's something artistic played into this, that the clothes are not made for the mass. It is unique and genuinely made from the hand of the designer. Through couture fashion we're allowed to take on unimaginable roles, not just simply what I want or if I were to give my month's salary I can buy this product and live as happily as the person in the ad. Couture fashion is more like if I were to sacrifice my entire year's paycheck for this product, I will be happy. Since this is close to impossible we can view the couture shoots with lenses that we never imagined, like a male's lense.
But it should be noted that female positioning have a difference in appeal between the two genders. If you look at male oriented viewers with a female model, they position themselves as frontal and head on. There is no doubt of the female's power in honing all of the male's gaze onto her. For female oriented viewers with female models, we usually see the model's position from the side or at an angle, hoping to create that infamous S-line curve. Still provocative but less demanding. It seems like the model is trying to attract the female viewer in a subtle way. You're asked to admire but you find yourself attracted to the model without knowing that your attention is focused only on the body.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Our Lady of Gagalupe

I've been fascinated by Lady GaGa since I met her last fall. Before anyone knew who she was, before four (soon to be five) hit singles and a platinum-selling record, and far before any insinuations that she was quickly becoming the next big "gay icon". Yet here she is only a year later, the tiny woman who signed my CD and called me fierce, establishing herself as a household name. She's become the obsession or arch-nemesis of every gay male on the planet. I can't say that I'm surprised. I may not be an expert on the gay community, but I've lived as a part of it long enough to recognize the reasons why Lady GaGa polarizes its members so distinctly. And I think it's mainly because she really has become a representation of what it means to be stereotypically gay.
I would argue that most members of gay community are viewed negatively by peers (in terms of character traits, not in the sense that being gay could be seen as morally wrong) mainly for their perceived reckless way of living. Extreme alcohol and drug abuse. Overt sexual promiscuity. The lust for popularity and acceptance. And perhaps on the most superficial of levels, these are the exact topics of most of Lady GaGa's songs. "Poker Face" flaunts the experimentation of bisexuality, "Just Dance" details the excitement of inebriation, "The Fame" asserts that being liked by the masses is the most important thing in the world, and "Boys Boys Boys" is about just that. Couple the somewhat relatable subject matter with a decent beat and a catchy hook and you've caught a good number of the gays based solely on the music. But her influence goes deeper than that. I stand by what I said in class about the gay community both being very aware of its "otherness", as well as being very accepting of the "other" located within separate social groups. Obviously Lady GaGa does not fit into the typical category of "woman". She's powerful. She's exciting. And most of all, she's successful by her own making. She is different. So in a way, it would only make sense for the average gay man to be attracted to that. But this is where the separation occurs between the gays that love her and the gays that hate her.
The hatred for GaGa has gone past simple statements that her music isn't pleasing to the ear. Many have claimed that Lady GaGa's schtick is tired. That she brings nothing new to the table, that her eccentricities are trite, that she's pandering to our community with nothing to show for it, that she's an attention whore that will never be satisfied with the following she's already gained. But I think the real root of these claims is simple: gay non-fans really hate that the rest of their community idolizes her persona, not that she's a bad musician. A chasm is formed between those who accept the person she is, her indulgence in popular culture and obvious gay-related character flaws, and those who see her as a setback for the way their community is perceived. So this ends up as circular discussion of both GaGa and the gays. While Lady GaGa herself epitomizes what it means to be the stereotypical gay man (flamboyance, excess, overindulgence, promiscuity, difference), just being a fan of hers creates the same negative connotations. Now liking Lady GaGa has become just as stereotypically gay as a rainbow flag or an interest in Cher. She is becoming the next "gay icon" simply because she has created herself to be intertwined with the essence of the culture.
I have yet to come to a conclusion on my feelings towards this subject. While Lady GaGa may represent most of the negative characteristics of a stereotypical gay man, I myself do not feel adversely effected in my community's relationship to her. I'll continue to enjoy the music and try to stay out of the social debate. Her new CD just leaked anyway.
Culturally Specific
Neil Patrick Harris as Barney

Being a fan of "How I Met Your Mother," I've grown quite fond of Neil Patrick Harris. He intrigues me as an actor, because his character's sexual orientation is the exact opposite of what he is in real life. In the show he is depicted as an overly promiscuous pervert who has no real regard for women. In reality, he is actually an openly gay man (and proud of it).
He gets away with it, though. Both Neil Patrick Harris and his character Barney Stinson. I am referring to two things when I say that.
The first is the idea that Neil Patrick Harris, gay man, is portraying the white heterosexual male stereotype. I think he does it effectively, though I can't help but find traces of gayness in his antics. Like for example, I realized that the series actually gives him chances to express his sexual identity in not-so-subtle ways. In one scene, Ted "dares" him to cross-dress and pick up a lesbian, and he does so, clad in red lipstick and fishnet stockings. In another, Ted imagines an alternate world where he and Marshall are sexually involved, and we see Barney in bed with Marshall.
I respect Neil Patrick Harris as an actor. The fact that he can play something he is not and do it justice is commendable, and his openness about his gayness when he is NOT working is appreciated by the gay community. In one interview he actually debunks any rumors that he denies his sexuality, saying:
"Rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love."
However, the other interpretation really bothers me. I think it's great to watch Neil in his interpretation of what it means to be straight (in fact, sometimes I think he is ridiculing the white heterosexual male and challenging the norm, because you can't help but laugh at how incredibly shallow Barney is). Perhaps he is drawing our attention to the ways in which the white heterosexual male is worth abhorring.
What I do really wish to point out, however, is the character of Barney Stenson, one entity, as forgivable.
Barney, who really is the epitome of SEXIST PIG, "gets away" with his mistreatment of girls. It frustrates me how the Barneys and Joeys make the act of sleeping with lots of girls COOL. In media, it establishes status, establishing the reputation of being DESIRED. And true enough, what is relayed in the media is implemented in reality.
But like I said, I think the fact that a gay man is portraying this character (he is by no means like that in real life) belittles the role of the white heterosexual man, and it comes off as taboo.
I think of the actors who do end up taking up the personas they play -- like maybe Matthew McConaughey or High Grant. (Obviously, I do not know these people, but I would assume that they are similar to the jackasses they play on TV. But I could be wrong.)
But there's something likeable about Neil Patrick Harris as a person, so even if his character ends up doing something absolutely sexist, I just see it as a joke. And that's somewhat comforting -- that maybe, Neil Patrick Harris redeems us females from the horrors of the white heterosexual man, in a way.
The more I think about it, the more I believe it. Barney has lots of famous quotes when he stresses on his "AWESOMENESS" and events involving manipulating girls "LEGENDARY." No one really takes him seriously, which somehow relegates the stereotype to an inferior position.
Drink It Straight Or Gay
In class we recently discussed how society views the homosexual through media outlets. Our culture does have a stereotype for each individual whether they are gay, black, Asian or are different from the ‘white norm’ in any other way. Subtle hints and clues can be found in advertisements or in dialogue on television shows which reflect the homosexual to be either too feminine, in a weaker position than straight men, or seen as an accessory.

This advertisement is from the Fall 2002 issue of Abercrombie and Fitch Quarterly. The men are all attractive, playful, and naked. The fact that they are seen socializing this way portrays them to have homoerotic tendencies. A&F plays on the idea of sex or orgies in many of their ads. The view they use is that A&F is a sexy brand and so wearing the clothes will attract other people to you. This is not a unique step for A&F in this picture. The brand has been chastised before for using sex and alcohol in images. This just takes it a step further using only men. Most other advertisements will have at least one woman in the picture to exclude the idea of homosexuality. Yet A&F takes this image and goes with it, the men are all attractive and are not exactly on top of one another, yet the idea is still there that these people are naked and ready for a good time.

This advertisement is from New Zealand. The company took the idea of ‘mixed or straight’ and turned it into ‘Drink it Straight or Gay.’ This is not subliminal at all, instead it is highlighted for the viewer/consumer. The idea is that anyone can have this drink, it is made for all people and serves as an example of equality. Yet there is underneath it all a subliminal message, there is a white arrow pointed to the word straight. Reflecting the idea that being straight is the right choice and that the company does prefer straight over gay.
If examined with a critical eye the message of homosexuality in our media does not accurately reflect these people. One can argue that bisexuality is an innate desire anyone is born with, yet in our society it is either straight or gay. A clear division has been made and established.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bad Romance
Lady Gaga is constantly pushing the boundaries through her music, style, dance and behavior. Her newest video for the single, “Bad Romance” is yet another example of how this pop-star has proven herself yet again to be controversial. If I remember correctly, it was James who said in class that this particular quality about Lady Gaga, her ability to “stir things up” and to act as an individual, were a main part of her appeal to the gay community. However, in this new music video, Gaga does nothing more than objectify herself. Yes, she is doing so in a way that is meant to be sarcastic and satirical, however, there are too many correlations between herself in the video and her every day behavior. In the video, Gaga is sold, truly commoditified, to a male suitor presumably for a night of passionate love making. He pays $1,000,000 (a fair price for an international superstar). She resists being “sold,” until she puts on a seductive little dance show, which ultimately leads to her being purchased; not to mention being dressed to an absolute bare minimum so that her video might be shown on cable television.
Well, Gaga is shown enduring a great deal of emotional hardship on the road to having sex with a good looking stranger, and when she finally meets him in the bedroom, she torches the mattress with him in it. This was her way of saying f*** you to men who view women as an object, something that can be purchased. For this, thank you Lady Gaga. However, I must ask the question: what did she do to not objectify herself? Lady Gaga is surely aware of the fact that she has become a brand, that she herself is a product that is being sold on a daily basis across the globe. If you pay attention to the main dance scene, around the time she is bid on, you’ll notice Vitamin Water bottles strategically placed on the tables, and Vodka bottles with brand names plastered on the side. This video is a contradiction in itself. Lady Gaga appears to be rejecting the idea of objectifying women, commoditizing, by her final message, setting the bed ablaze. But the very way Lady Gaga presents herself both in the video and to the public eye in general helps reinforce the very objectification she claims to be fighting. I’m not going to probe this topic TOO much deeper, but my question now is how does this message effect the homosexual community’s feelings towards Lady Gaga? How do they relate to such a message, when ultimately, it concerns women and not men? Do they feel that Lady Gaga objectifies herself or women? This is all generally speaking, but I am curious to know what others might think.
Lesbian Fashion Imagery
Last Week's Blog (Masculinity in the OC)
While women are misrepresented as at times needing men to succeed, the message sent to men is that unless they are straight and masculine, success is not in your future. The character of Seth Cohen is constantly being saved by his best friend Ryan even up until the last season of the series showing that even if you get the beautiful girl (Summer) and the great college (RISDE) in the end you are nothing without a masculine man to save you. Clearly this message is just as damaging if not more to men than the message sent to women is.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The "Modern" Gay Couple.
Monday’s discussion got me thinking about one of my current favorite shows, Modern Family. And although I do believe it to be a progressive show about the new nuclear family, I feel that the gay couple on the show is depicted similarly to Will and Jack of Will and Grace. I have watched Modern Family since the first episode and I have yet to see the gay couple kiss each other.
When it comes to homosexuality, I can’t think of any progressive shows to date. I hope that, if the day comes for the first onscreen kiss between Phil and Mitchell, it is not some highly publicized event that the previews try to suck viewers in to see the action. I feel that for this show to be more progressive when it comes to homosexuality, it shouldn’t be publicized at all because, in my opinion, it takes away from the naturalness of the family being depicted.
Cameron and Mitchell are seen as two different, but at some times similar, men. Cameron is more on the effeminate, having an obsession of dressing his newly adopted daughter in all sorts of costumes, especially of 1960s/1970s divas, but he was a star linebacker on his college’s football team. Mitchell on the other hand seems to be much more reserved than Cameron but also enjoys pickling and scrapbooking.
What is most interesting to me is that at time, both Mitchell and Cameron make fun of being gay or condescend the other. Cameron told Mitchell that he, “Made figure skating sound even gayer.” Then when it came time for their adopted daughter’s first day of nursery school, Mitchell told Cameron to essentially tone down his “gayness,” so that they don’t seem too gay. I think until homosexuality is accepted by our society there will be no programming with a progressive frame of homosexuality.
The Modern Homosexual
While shows like Will & Grace have shown homosexuality as sometimes stereotypical and reality television shows like The Real Housewives have used gays as a way of comic relief and sidekicks, other shows have attempted to go against this mode. Examples include Gossip Girl with Serena’s younger brother being gay and having a boyfriend, while neither is stereotypically homosexual, and his character’s conflicts on the show are not completely centered on his sexuality but he is instead treated as a real well rounded person. Melrose Place has Ella’s boss as a homosexuality but the way he came out was so nonchalant that it made it seem all the less important that he was gay. Finally, reality shows like The Real World have also helped with their wide range of homosexuals each season, while one season the individual may be extremely feminine and stereotypical, the next season the individual may be masculine and less exaggerated. While the media may never correctly represent homosexuality, thanks to shows like Real World, Melrose Place, and Gossip Girl the issue of homosexuality in the media has improved tremendously.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hello my name is Gay.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
On a side note...

Saturday, November 14, 2009
What counts as being masculine?
Friday, November 13, 2009
postmodern perspective
Another instance that of postmodernism that we mentioned in class, is whether Hollywood movies will continue slacking in originality. In recent years a vast majority of Hollywood movies have been based off of books and plays that were previously created. I think that it is great for different directors to interpret scripts and ideas in new ways, but there is nothing better than seeing a movie that is truly original and created for the first time. The movies that have been created several times, such as Bat Man, has no originality in idea, but has uniqueness in the director’s perspective of the film to make it innovating. Postmodernism in this light has truly brought new ways of creativity, and has depicted a new type of invention.
Instead of questioning authenticity and room for the innovative, i think it is more a question of taste, which of course varies from person to person. There is no doubt that The Eiffel Tower or even the Great Wall of China are not out of this world creations; and honestly no, nothing can top them off, they are no doubt the great ones for when they were invented, but what about jets like the SR-71 Blackbird (fastest known jet airplane) or the Emirates office tower in Dubai and even the IPhone. These are all inventions that have progessively change for the better and given us art. Art exist in many forms and shapes, in some cases what is not considered art it still is art, so instead of critiquing postmodernism and questioning room for creation, society should be more appreciative of what artists are offering us; one could appreciate the past and the future at the same time, and if you really think about it, at the end of the day there is no such a thing as "good taste" and because we live in a postmodern world, we can practice human agency and decide for ourselves.
Anime is Not for Kids

Why bother to get a passport?
The School of Clones

Masculinity in NYC
So are we lucky enough to live in New York City where the population is so diverse and people are more accepting in order to see all these different types of men? Or is it possible that media and advertising images of hyper masculine men simply don't affect all men? I guess NYC is just a very diverse place where we can see men who aggressively hit on women side by side with straight guys in tight jeans.
Can Art Still Blow Our Minds?
This article happened to be published in tandem to our classroom discussions dealing with gendered stereotypes. “The Cougar Moment” is a trip down memory lane of the most iconic of female cougars, in relation to the newest cougar to hit television, Courtney Cox in Cougar Town. I have not gotten a chance to see Cox’s new show, but I haven’t heard the best of critic acclaim. In fact, the writer of this article, Emily Nussbaum, tears the shows to pieces. Why is that, one might ask? Because she believes that Cox’s character, Jules Cobb, represents the worst kind of cougar that exists. Instead of exalting her character, by creating a sense of pride and independence in being a single older woman, Jules whines and moans about her deteriorating good looks. Samantha Jones from Sex & The City, on the other hand, exudes enough self confidence that there is no need for her to even bring up the fact that she is a beautiful woman. Her assertion and control in the situations she is placed in is exuded in all her actions, from her smile, down to her shoes, and what you’re assuming this character must be carrying in her purse.
It upsets me to think about how writers of these shows can create a self-loathing character such as Jules Cobb, who is sending out mixed messages about what it is a single, older woman represents. Samantha Jones sees sex purely as self-fulfillment. She understands the power she creates for herself in a relationship when she treats sex as a necessity. By doing so, Samantha develops competitive and aggressive qualities in order to acquire what she wants; these are typically male characteristics and it is wonderful that Sex & The City allows for a female character to possess them. Jules Cobb, on the other hand, views “sex as a measuring stick: proof you’re hot enough to make men want to have sex with you.” ( “The Cougar Moment”) I agree with the writer of this article, that Cox’s character would most likely resonate more with its viewers if they created a character more similar to Samantah Jones. Yes, this may show another side of the “typical cougar” character, however, it is a negative representation of women. One that is so blatant, it may be causing viewers to detract from the show, surely alongside some other reasons…
Thursday, November 12, 2009
cultural ideologies of gender in 'Friends'
Comic Adult.
Or maybe the show is not targeted to me at all and my appreciation for children's program is something that I will have no matter what my age :/
The Rise and Fall of The Club Kids
Urs Fischer
New Masculinity
Bringing back the classics in a Postmodern Society
We equated movies like Shrek and all Disney/Pixar films to the movement. Clearly, such animation is quite revolutionary in terms of technological manipulation. Many films geared toward kids are following the trend: think Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Bolt, Spy Kids. In fact, I don't think that cartoons are ever the case anymore. It's a sign of the times -- technology reflects progress, and in this competitive world we always want to be ahead.
Until you mention "Princess and the Frog," which is Disney's nostalgic way of bringing back the magic of the good old days, when characters were drawn by hand. MANUAL LABOR.
So does that mean Disney is relegating to an inferior form of animation, with all the others taking the digital direction? Are they running out of ideas? Alternatively, is it a sign that postmodernism is not anymore the case?
I think we're overanalyzing here. In my opinion, Disney is just reponding to those fans who miss that kind of animation (wasn't "Lilo and Stitch" the last one of its kind?). But there really is something CLASSIC about returning to that mode of art.
Even if some may view that kind of animation as "outdated," I see it in a different lens. Just because there are some signs of media industries resorting to postmodernist tactics does not mean that it is FIXED. Think of it this way: when a kid buys a new toy on the market, it does not mean that he will stop playing with his older toys. We do not accept one and reject all the others. Progress is not defined by the "hot new thing" being used today, but other inventions are taken into account, be it past or present. We accumulate layers and layers of ideas, and we are free to pick and choose from these different things.
It works with the fashion industry too. For example, flashy neon tights, which were "in" back in the 80s and out for a while, are back in. There's so much freedom in that trends are recycled and reinvented. I'd say the same thing with "Princess and the Frog." Though the plot line honestly does not excite me, I'm interested to see how Disney resurrects what used to be an old art form.