America's most love housewife is now being reproduced many many times, to come to the home of many Playboy magazine subscribers and fans on October 16. Marge will be the cover of Playboy's November issue; as of course many speculations are expected about this new controversy from whom better than Playboy, the magazine executives claim to be celebrating the 20th season of the longest running comedy show in american t.v.; but some others argue that the reason is to reach audiences in their 20's. The magazine promises a 3 page spread with a picture of Marge in lingerie as well as a story reveiling the "Devil in Marge Simpson."
I don't know about you guys, but this issue leaves me behind with many hard to explain feelings. However, i see this as a great move for Playboy in many ways; not only are they shaking things up resulting in an upgrade on sales this month, but they are kind of giving the magazine and the audience a refreshing mood. Playboy, known to be hurting and seeing a decline on sales for quite awhile now, is using Marge as a very smart strategy for marketing.
The other issue i wanted to bring up is on a little more inquisitive note. We have here an icon; most people in America know who she is, Marge is a branding, her image is reproduced in many ways for many different reasons. The problem here is that even though the content of the show is obvious and not recommended for a certain audience, kids are still watching it; my question is, now that this icon is on a magazine which is known for different kinds of icons, will this backfire Playboy and target wrong audiences that will maybe bring them problems? All in all, as a Simpson fan and part of the 20s audience, i think this is great, it is giving Playboy a brand new image while still holding on to what Playboy is all about. At the same time, this is totally a predictable twist from Playboy and Marge is the best, classiest cartoon image that they could pick for an issue like this. Happy 20th season you D'oh! lovers!

I'm wondering about the opposite, in the case of Marge. Yes, it may be "good" for playboy to show an "everyday mom" type of character as being sexy. But, my question is why did Playboy HAVE to sexy Marge up? Is it the rule now that EVERY female on tv now has to be sexy and objectified in men's magazines?