Friday, October 30, 2009

Make Way.

In class this week we discussed the concept of “the other” otherwise known as the different racial and sexual oriented groups within our society. Most of the groups are viewed as not normal and are often distinguished from the norm as the black guy or the gay guy. In the ad above, MTV uses our social norm to its advantage. The ad focuses on a young, high school student who is interested in both men and women. The commercial ends with the tagline, “If your love is boundless, take care of yourself and others. Wear a condom.”

Both simple and effective, this commercial uses the knowledge that gay, bisexual, and lesbian tendencies are not seen as “normal” and uses that knowledge to its advantage. While the commercial does in subtle ways promote that gay/bi sexuality is not the social norm, it also promotes the idea of what is most important, no matter what your sexual orientation is, condoms should be use. Furthermore, the commercial implies that it’s okay to be the way you are no matter what they may be.

I think part of the reason an ad is able to get away with is partly because of who is in charge of broadcasting it. MTV is known for pushing boundaries and representing the generation who supports it. Because the “MTV Generation” is comprised of, for the most part, of open-minded teenagers and young adults, they are able to get away with marketing and portraying a severely under-represented minority I think a good question to pose in light of this ad is will these types of commercials, depicting all types of people begin to proliferate our society? I think so as “norm” is now not so much the “norm” and society begins to accept and acknowledge that this world is comprised of multiple norms and standards.

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